Google Chrome Incognito Mode Data Collection Lawsuit: Users Lose Appeal Against Alphabet
- Mar 03, 2023
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Consumers are suing Google LLC, a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., over its data collection practices. The lawsuit seeks at least $5 billion in damages for alleged violations of privacy rights due to the tech giant's use of private browsing in Chrome's "Incognito" mode. Unfortunately, on Wednesday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco dismissed their earlier appeal to recover monetary damages as a class action.
The plaintiffs argued that Google continued to collect data from users even after they switched on private browsing, which is supposed to protect user information from third-party companies and hackers alike. Despite this argument, the court decided against them and denied class-action status for money damages claims against Google. However, they can still seek to revive their money damages claims when there is a final judgment later this year during the jury trial scheduled for November 2023.
The case highlights an important issue regarding user privacy protection in today’s digital age, where personal information can be easily accessed without consent or knowledge by third parties through technology like cookies and other tracking software used by websites and services like Google Chrome Browser’s “Incognito Mode” feature that is supposed to keep browsing activity private but doesn't necessarily do so all the time due to loopholes found within its system architecture design or coding mistakes made by developers overlooked during testing stages before public release date launches into marketplaces worldwide online or offline platforms alike.
Despite this latest court decision denying class-action status for money damages against Google. Over its use of Chrome's incognito mode data collection practices, it remains clear that technology firms must remain vigilant both with regards to protecting users’ personal information while also providing adequate transparency into how they manage this valuable resource moving forward going forward if they want continued public trustworthiness along with financial prosperity within the industry long term overall.